Entrepreneurial Bakery

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The program is chosen for commercial requirement as well as hobby healthy homemakers & youngster’s needs who want to start their own business. This program is one of its kind that involves comprehensive study in bakery science, technology, bakery practice and bakery management. The program will provide a complete exposure to all the essential knowledge. The program shall provide opportunity for a successful career in a segment that has seen high double digit growth in past, and is forecast to be a major driver for growth of bakery industry.

Entrepreneurial Bakery offers a career track that will fulfil almost any interest. Notable opportunities for IIB graduates include:

  • Production management
  • Technical sales and services
  • Retail baking management
  • New business development
  • Research and development
  • Quality assurance
  • Consulting
  • Company management

The curriculum focuses on the technology of baking in a production setting. Students through lectures and labs learn the “whys” of baking and “how” the theory of baking is transferred to production.

Training would enable you to:   

  • Formulate products from scratch
  • Develop new bakery products
  • Evaluate the quality of baked products
  • Establish and monitor ingredient specifications
  • Supervise control points in the baking process
  • Troubleshoot baking production problems

Classes are divided into small groups and students work individually or in teams to develop production skills.

Subjects taught include: 

Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, Concept of Entrepreneurship, Factors responsible for entrepreneurship, Characteristics of an Entrepreneur, Function of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneurs, Motivation and Entrepreneurship Development, Phases of Entrepreneurial Venture, Entrepreneurial Project identification, Globalization and emerging Business/ Entrepreneurial Issues
Government schemes and Policy For Entrepreneurship Development, Bakery Project Profile, Plan Layout of a Small Bakery, Career in bakery technology
Vocational specialization in bakery technology, Up-gradation of professional competence, How to become perspective entrepreneur, Industry guided program
Comprehensive theory, Internship, Entrepreneurship in setting up bakery industry

Placement assistance

IIB helps graduates find a job by:

  • Helping write resumes that work
  • Posting resumes on IIB’s web site
  • Featuring self-sponsored students from each class in Bakery Dunya with photos and biographical information.
  • Mailing resumes to all industry contacts

Detailed Agenda (6 Weeks):

Agenda is Subject to change

The Entrepreneurial Baking 6-week classes & labs consist of under mentioned major areas of study:

Entrepreneurship Development and Management (30 hrs)

In today’s very competitive marketplace, you must master the tools of business in addition to baking skills. You must produce a clean, safe, unadulterated product that is cost competitive. To meet this need, the course will expose you to the three areas a supervisor must control – people, equipment, and materials.

You will learn about:

  • Preparation of project report
  • Basics of marketing management,
  • Identification of project in baking,
  • Management of resources,
  • Food laws
  • Book keeping and accounts
  • Factories Act 1948,
  • Situational leadership skills
  • Performance management
  • New product development
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Occupational safety for the bakery supervisor
  • Team building
  • Conflict resolution
  • Time management
  • Nutritional labelling
  • Cost accounting
  • Production scheduling
  • Project management
  • Statistical process control
  • Total quality management
  • Food safety/HACCP

Industrial Training and Project work (20 hrs)

Visit of baking industries and one month in-plant training. Project writing and presentations. Submission of project and viva-voce examination.

The class is divided into teams, and each team selects a specific product category. Within each category, each team develops the following information:

  • Original product formulation, which is test-baked
  • Ingredient specifications
  • Nutritional label
  • HACCP plan (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
  • Equipment selection
  • Production line layout
  • Cost sheets and financial statements
  • Supervisor checklist

The projects are supported by IIB International’s Food Safety staff members, who help students understand pre-requisite programs (good manufacturing practices, sanitation programs, etc.), how to develop a HACCP plan, and how to evaluate quality systems.

Visit of baking industries and in-plant training if possible. Project writing and presentations. Submission of project and viva-voce examination.

Lectures and Labs in different product categories (190 hrs):

Classifications & variations in products like Breads, Puffs, Danish & Pastry, Cookies and crackers, Cakes etc. How to calculate costs and profits using possible variations and enhance the viabilities of different product categories by varying the recipes within the desired quality management.

Bakery Classes

Bakery Classes by Internationally acclaimed professionals.
Registration by paying Rs. 1000/- adjustable against course fees.
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