Dear Baker Friends,

Indian food industry has grown from strength to strength in the recent past. Indian bakery industry that was restricted to a family business in India and was not treated as a respectable business is now one of the biggest sections in the processed food industry of the nation. The rising foreign influence, emergence of female working population and changing consumption patterns have attributed strongly in growth trajectory of bakery industry that has undergone massive change on account of changing perceptions of bakery products and evolving consumer tastes. Rising urbanization and growth in the disposable incomes of the Indian population has proven to be a magnet for the international bakery chains. India has seen an influx of foreign bakery companies foraying into India which in turn has helped in improving the quality of Indian bakery products. Driven by evolving perception of bakery products and changing consumer preferences, Indian bakery industry will touch a Rs. 500 billion mark in the ensuing future. Also with rising export of shelf stable bakery products from India, it is necessary that a connect is established between the developments in bakery industry in the world and the Indian market place so that it provides an impetus to the growth of this industry in future in India. This is possible through sharing of information and technological developments in the bakery segment in India and abroad. This is one of the major reasons to perceive Bakery Duniya that shall bring a world of bakery information to your doorstep whether it is new products and processes, new machines, new bakery ingredients or the scientific developments around the world. The articles in the magazine would focus on the relevant issues that presently challenge the bakery industry. We wish our readers a pleasant experience.


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